“Life is an Adventure. Come live your adventure with Best In The Desert!” Casey Folks


Posted June 29, 2016


Best in the Desert, America’s premier off-road racing association has announced that RacingTraX, from ROM Communications, will be the new Satellite tracking system effective with the Vegas to Reno race in August, 2016. After intensive research into the best system available for desert style races, Best in the Desert connected with ROM and together worked to develop “RacingTraX”, the most advanced purpose built off-road tracking system.

ROM Communications is a manufacturer and supplier of satellite based tracking equipment and the Industry acclaimed “TextAnywhere” Global messaging platform. The Company has deployed its equipment for years in extreme environments around the World and has spent the last 16 months proving its equipment excels in one of the most extreme environments there is, off-road racing! ROM Communications Ltd. is a long time Iridium Satellite Partner whose constellation of 66 cross-linked Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites provides high-quality data connections over the planet’s entire surface.

RacingTraX utilizes a 99 channel GPS & Glonass system to provide positioning and speed, data will be logged and stored onboard for use by Best in the Desert.  Virtual and mechanical buttons will provide emergency requests by the race vehicle which will be monitored for quick response during the Race. Two-way text based communication is provided to Race Management using a no APP required Wi-Fi link for most smartphones, tablets and laptops. Communication is also available for use in “No Cell Coverage” areas to update support crews or even post directly to Facebook or Twitter.

Current Value added optional features include “Spatial Engineering” where every 8 minutes, the Race vehicle position and speed is sent to a cell phone during the Race for only $22.00, or for those Race teams with existing ROMTraX devices, a satellite update will provide Race vehicle status for $55.00, plus allow for 2-way text based communication. The per race rental charge for each entrant is $265.00.

Best in the Desert is committed to building the “Virtual Link” for its many fans and supporters, a better state of the art online mapping and satellite updates will be implemented to bring the off-road closer and in near real time.

Weighing in under a pound, measuring just 4″ x 6″ x1.5″, this totally integrated marvel of technology is extremely simple to install, comes with a Quick Mount Bracket / Power Cable and prewired Emergency Switch.

Casey Folks, Director of Best in the Desert said, “I am very excited to announce the integration of this new RacingTrax system for our races. Racers, friends, fans and race team members can track progress on a “Race Day” virtual map.”

First up for the new system is Best in the Desert’s 2016 General Tire “Vegas to Reno” The Long Way presented by FOX, “The Longest Off-Road Race in the United States!” and it is the 20th Anniversary of “Vegas to Reno”.

Go to www.racingtrax.com to rent the system and have your monitoring kit shipped to you for your installation BEFORE you get to the race.

Per Casey, “Racers Need to Order NOW!”
For more information on the new tracking system, and to arrange tracking
for your race vehicle, please visit


or contact:

David Clay

For More Information about Best in The Desert, please go to:

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