“Life is an Adventure. Come live your adventure with Best In The Desert!” Casey Folks

2020 Maxxis Tires “Casey Folks” Vegas to Reno Presented by Fox Important Race Update

Posted July 30, 2020

LAS VEGAS, NV (July 30, 2020): The recent spike in COVID-19 cases in various states across the country, including Nevada, has given the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) pause in making the final decision to sign the permit application for Best In The Desert’s 2020 Maxxis Tires “Casey Folks” Vegas to Reno Presented by Fox.

The event is still planned for August 12-15, 2020 as originally scheduled, but may be postponed until a later date to allow coronavirus cases to subside.

Best In The Desert is sharing this news with its loyal racers, sponsors, and fans to keep them informed and up-to-date on all the details affecting the status of the race. While Best In The Desert staff and organizers have been working tirelessly to plan a safe event following CDC guidelines, positive COVID-19 cases have recently peaked in several southern states including Nevada. Even though cases are currently trending downwards we all must wait to see if the trend continues.

“We were informed of the BLM’s concerns about the COVID-19 status and the permit situation on Friday, July 24,” said Best In The Desert CEO Daryl Folks. ”In the time since, we have been working around the clock with Nevada’s highest elected officials, Silver State Off-Road Alliance, and the local governments of the small rural Nevada communities that are impacted by this decision to convince the BLM to move forward with the event. All want to see the event take place. The rural communities in which the event is held are not being impacted by COVID-19 and our mitigation efforts proved successful at the Silver State 300 where not one case of COVID-19 was reported in Lincoln County following the event. This decision to not move forward would have very negative impacts on a big portion of rural Nevada that is already devastated by the shutdown and lack of commerce.”

Best In The Desert CMO Bryan Folks added, “Their apprehension really caught us by surprise especially since the BLM has approved off-road events as late as this past weekend. Our event passes through some of the least populated areas of our state and through these rural Nevada communities in just one day. We are adhering to all the social distancing, masks, and safety protocols outlined by the CDC. Having said this, we will continue to keep working on the event and have been told by the BLM that it could potentially still be held on its original date. To be clear, we plan to hold Vegas to Reno. We will send out daily emails to the registered driver of records as well as post on social media to keep everyone up to date.”

“This situation is very fluid,” states Best In The Desert Race Operations Manager Donald Jackson. “We wanted to let everyone know so they can plan accordingly but make no mistake, we are burning the midnight oil to hold the Maxxis Tire ‘Casey Folks’ Vegas to Reno presented by Fox on its original date. We are currently in discussions with the BLM and monitoring the situation. An event of this stature must go on and we are confident it will. We just ask for patience.”

In the event Best In The Desert must postpone the event it will honor requests for entry refunds but in the short-term is asking racers to be patient as organizers work with the BLM State Director, Nevada politicians, and city officials to keep the event moving forward.

Everyone is looking forward to the event from fans to loyal racers to the rural communities where the race runs through and understands that Best In The Desert is doing everything in their power to hold the event.

With COVID-19 closing businesses throughout Nevada, specifically in Las Vegas and Reno, the entire state is experiencing similar obstacles. 2020 has been a challenging year and while bureaucratic decisions are frustrating, the off-road racing community is resilient.

Updates will be sent out daily through email and social media posts on the status of the event. Please do not call the office with event updates.

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