2022 World Hare & Hound Championship

2022 World Hare & Hound Championship
One Man, One Machine, One Way
Tonopah, NV
Sunday, October 30th, 2022
Monday, October 31st, 2022
- MC will be a Mass Start per Class Division
- UTV’s & Quads will be based on Points Standings as of 10/26
Friday, November 4th, 2022
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM – Registration, Contingency, Tech & Event Expo
- Registration & Contingency – Tonopah Station Belmont Room
- Tech Inspection & Event Expo – Tech Inspection Location Updated to: Joe Friel Sports Park
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM – All classes open to Tech & Registration
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Media / Helicopter & Drone Meeting
- Held in Tonopah Station Belmont Room (Attendance is mandatory for all Media, Helicopter and Drone personnel)
- First half hour will be allocated to Media Personnel, second half to Helicopter and Drone Personnel.
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM – Mandatory Drivers Meeting
- Will be held in The Tonopah Station Belmont Room
- 35 random vehicle numbers will be called to confirm attendance
- 1 hour penalty will be applied to those not present
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Volunteer Meeting
- Will be held in The Tonopah Station Belmont Room
Saturday, November 5th, 2022
RACE 1 – Motorcycles
7:00 AM – 7:30 AM – Staging (Henderson Park, Tonopah)
7:30 AM – MC Start by Class Division
RACE 2 – UTV’s & Quads
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM – Staging (Henderson Park, Tonopah)
11:30 AM – Start
6:00 PM – Awards Ceremony (Tonopah Station – Belmont Room)
Registration & Forms
1. Your first step at online and on-site registration check in will be to verify that you provided us with the correct transponder number for this event. Verifying your transponder number is an important step we use to assist scoring! We have found that the best way to verify your transponder number is to keep a photo saved in your phone or keep the number written down and carry with you. Bring proof (photo or in written form) of the transponder to on-site registration check in as this step is very important.
2. After verifying your transponder during onsite registration check in, you will go to the appropriate line.
Complete Online Registrations = Priority Line: If you have registered online before the cutoff date Sunday, October 30th to get in the draw Monday, October 31st.
- paid in full
- have no changes to your entry
- have properly collected all signatures of racers/drivers for your vehicle
- have properly collected signatures from everyone in your pits with you during this event
Changes to Online Registrations = Regular Line: If you have any of the following:
- unpaid balances
- driver additions/changes
- teams with more than four drivers
- or any other changes, such as adding or deleting drivers
Walk In, Late Entries = On Site Line: First step is still to go through transponder station first, so be sure to have proof of your correct transponder number. (see instructions above) For all walk-in entries, you must write legible on the entry form or it will not be accepted. BITD staff, Medics, and Scoring must be able to read your general information, contact information, and sponsors. There is a $200 late registration fee that will be charged in addition to your entry fee. Membership fees (if owed) transponder fees (if purchased) and entry fees will also be collected at this time.
If you are a walk in or a late entry, your racers/riders will need to come with you to registration for proper signatures on waiver and wristbands OR you can print the On-Site Entry Form (See Pit Crew and Pit Guest Liability Form).
Driver/Racer Liability Waiver: Driver of Record or Team Manager: Print this form before leaving home. Have all drivers/racers for your vehicle sign this form. You will bring this to onsite registration check-in. If you correctly obtained all signatures of your drivers/riders for your entry, you will be given their driver/racer race wristbands. If you are unable to collect all signatures for the vehicle ahead of time, each driver/racer will stand in line for onsite registration check-in to sign.
Minor Waiver: Drivers/racers ages 17 or under and getting in the race vehicle must have this form properly completed and signed by their Parent or Legal Guardian. Their race entry will not be processed without it.
Pit Crew and Pit Guest Wristband Waiver: Everyone accompanying you in your pits must sign this waiver for proper entry in the event.
- If you can collect proper signatures and printed names of everyone expected in your pits ahead of time, you can obtain all the wristbands during onsite registration check in. You may not sign for others. Minors need their Parent or Legal Guardian to sign this waiver for them.
- If you cannot obtain all signatures for your pit crew beforehand, you can print this form prior to the race and bring to registration for wristbands of crew and guests with you and send others to registration and late registration. IMPORTANT: If pit crew/guests arrive after event begins, we have a select few volunteers assigned to collecting waiver signatures for pit wrist bands. Everyone in pits MUST HAVE a wrist band.
Media Requirements
Media credential applications must be submitted 10 days prior to the event. For application forms, additional requirements, and further information – please visit https://bitd.com/media/.
Media Meeting – Friday November 4th, 2022 – 3:00 PM (Tonopah Station – Belmont Room)
Drone/Helicopter Meeting – Friday November 4th, 2022 – 3:30 PM (Tonopah Station – Belmont Room)
Pit Support
Get your fuel pre-ordered from VP Racing Fuels by clicking here!
Volunteer Info
Come out and be a part of TEAM BITD! This Volunteer Sign-Up Form must be submitted prior to November 1st.
Sign up online here: https://bitd.com/volunteer/
Printed forms may be mailed to:
Best in the Desert
3475 Boulder Hwy
Unit B
Las Vegas, NV 89121
Your completed form may also be emailed to:
(Volunteer Coordinator Cyndie Parks)
A mandatory Volunteer Meeting will be held Friday, November 4th at 7:00PM (The Tonopah Station Belmont Room)
For your participation you will receive an event T-Shirt, pins, stickers and more!
Please complete the appropriate form today and email back to Contingency@BITD.com before October 31, 2022. Your decals will be prepared for pick up at the Contingency Booth in the Registration Room. We go on the honor system, so please but honest on what companies you are supported or sponsored by. Emailed entries who have submitted their form by the deadline will have preference over walk in’s. If you forget your form, we will have forms on site for you to complete, but you must write legible. The decals are limited to first come, first served for walk in’s.
2022 Contingency – MC / Quad – Updated 3/9/22
2022 Contingency Form – UTV– Updated 6/14/22
Racing Trax
RacingTrax.com – Register for your tracking unit TODAY. Racing Trax units will be required for all UTV’s and Quads. Units will not be required for MC at this event. Same day, on site, registration late fee is $25. This tracking unit is separate from your transponder. THIS IS FOR YOUR SAFETY, NOT FOR YOUR SCORE. You will pick up the unit onsite and our Racing Trax team will install it at the Tech & Event Expo. If you need a bracket, please order today and have it installed before the event.
General Information
2022 WHHC Entry List – As of 10/31
Final Information Packet