The Silver State “300” is back again for the 2024 Best In The Desert Season. We are so excited to bring this racer favorite back, it’s a great race with challenging terrain and incredible scenery. This is a race for Motorcycles, Quads, UTVs, Cars, and Trucks and will be a 300-mile point to point race, starting just North of Alamo, NV.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Registration, Contingency, Tech & Event Expo
BITD Tech & Event Expo Hosted by Holley LS Fest West at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway
For a detailed map click here- LS Fest Map – BITD
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Media / Helicopter & Drone Meeting
Attendance is Mandatory
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Media Meeting
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM Helicopter & Drone Meeting
Drivers Meeting will be posted online on bitd.com
Saturday, April 27th 2024
** Start Line outside of Alamo **
5:30 PM- Staging
6:00 AM- 1st Professional off the Line
8:45 AM – Staging
9:30 AM – 1st Vehicle off the Line
10:00 AM – Staging
10:30 AM – 1st Vehicle off the Line
Youth UTV 1000/RS1
11:15 AM – Staging
11:45 AM – Youth UTV Drivers Meeting at the Start Line
12:00 PM – 1st Vehicle off the Line
All Day – Pre-Fun Run
Day 1 –
9:00 AM – First Vehicle leaves the Start Line to Pit 3
6:30 -The Lincoln County High School Softball team will serve a Spaghetti Dinner at the Panaca Fair Grounds!
Day 2 –
9:00 AM – First Vehicle leaves Pit 3 – Finish
Draw for Starting Positions! This race will NOT have qualifying. To retain your starting position, you MUST be registered and paid in full by this date.
Start Order will be determined by:
- Car/Truck classes
- Based on Finish at GS250
- Remaining entries will go to a draw for start position
- UTV classes
- Based on Finish at GS250
- Remaining entries will go to a draw for the starting position
- Motorcycle/ATV
- Based on Finish at GS250
- Remaining entries will go to a draw for start position
Entry List Updated as of 4.26
Online Registration is Open!
Please read below for crucial steps to follow for the registration process!
- Racer Registration :
- The link to register can be found above or by clicking HERE.
- After registering, each entrant must complete the Racer Liability Form online by April 19th, 2024. This can be filled out by clicking HERE.
- The draw for starting positions will be on April 10th, 2024!
- Online pre-registration will be open until April 19th, 2024. All walk-in entries will be required to pay a $100 on-site fee.
- Race Vehicle Numbers can be obtained by calling the office at (702) 457-5775 or emailing bitd@bitd.com with your preferred class. Please see the Rulebooks posted online to ensure you have the proper number for your class!
- If you need to add or remove a team member not originally included on your entry form, please email the office at bitd@bitd.com to have this updated before the On-site Registration.
- Please include name, birthday, address, emergency contact info & shirt size.
- Please Click here for our updated 2024 BITD Refund Policy
- Pit Waivers:
- Each person on your pit support team must sign individually online by clicking HERE by April 19th, 2024.
- At registration, each race team will be given only the number of wristbands as they have liability forms filled out. If this process has yet to be completed before registration, you must bring a screenshot or a printed copy of your team’s completed waivers. These can be found in an email confirmation. No exceptions
BITD will be providing a Pit Fueling service! If you are interested, click HERE
Pit 3 –
- We will have pit set up with most tools needed to fix your vehicle. No parts will be provided. If you would like to bring spare parts, this is where they will be held. This pit will also be used a a fuel Pit.
- We have a Fuel Mat & our team has the full Fuel Suit if you’d like us to help fuel
- You will need to provide your own dump cans & fuel
- These can be brought to Tech on Friday
Pit 5 –
- This pit will also be a fuel only Pit
- We have Fuel Mats & our team has the full Fuel Suit ,if you’d like us to help fuel
- You will need to provide your own dump cans & fuel
- These can be brought to Tech on Friday
- Race area in Lincoln County, Nevada
- 300-mile racecourse one-way
- Point to Point
- Event Expo, driver/rider registration and tech inspection located in Las Vegas
- Start Line & Finish Line separate locations
- Within 20 Miles of one another
- Approx. 110 Miles from Las Vegas, NV
- (5) or (6) pit locations along the racecourse
- One chase vehicle can follow one race team and make it to most all pits before race vehicle
- No Time Trials per this event
Come out and be a part of TEAM BITD!
Firstly, fill out this Volunteer Sign-Up Form by April 19th, 2024.
After you’ve filled the form out, be sure to sign the Online waiver by clicking here: Volunteer Liability Waiver
Our Race Director will call you shortly to get you into the best seat in the house: a spot on the course! A mandatory Volunteer Meeting will be held over Zoom on Monday, April 22nd, 2024, at 5:00 PM. The link will be sent out with your course position on Friday, April 19th.
For your participation, you will receive an event T-shirt, special event coin, stickers, and more swag!!
RacingTrax.com – Register for your tracking unit TODAY. Racing Trax units will be required for all Classes (Except Youth). On the same day, the on-site, registration late fee is $25. This tracking unit is separate from your transponder. THIS IS FOR YOUR SAFETY, NOT FOR YOUR SCORE. You will pick up the unit on site and our Racing Trax team will install it at the Tech & Event Expo. If you need a bracket, please order it today and have it installed before the event.
Get your fuel pre-ordered from VP Racing Fuels by clicking here!
Please watch the attached video link below from Vince Skandunas with Pressure Pro with the “relief valve update.”
These updates from Pressure Pro will be “MANDATORY” for ALL BITD EVENTS starting in 2022 for ALL Pressure Pro fuel system units.
BITD staff will be inspecting Pressure Pro units for updates.
Any Media requests must be completed and returned 15 days before the event. See the Media form online at bitd.com/media
All Media must fill out the online Media Waiver for this event. This can be completed by clicking here
Media Meeting – Friday, April 26th, 3:00 PM
Drone/Helicopter Meeting – Friday, April 26th, 3:30 PM
Come out and get your business exposed to 1000’s of Off-Road Racing Enthusiasts! Tech & Contingency starts on Friday, April 26th! Maximize your exposure to Racers from around the world! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to widen your customer base.
To participate, fill out the FORM by clicking here. This applies to Contingency sponsors as well! Space is limited, and we need to know who is coming. If you have any questions, contact our Expo Coordinator, George Antill, at (702) 423-8443

Issue 2 is out now!
Click below to read The Official Magazine of Best in the Desert.